We are all angels. We are here on earth to prove our worthiness of God’s kingdom: He does not just want another rebel – devil in the kingdom. Force yourself to obey His word – the divine rule – here on earth while you are still under the influence of this flesh which is controlling you to want the things of this earth simply because it was made of earthly materials. Angels –the heaven’s inhabitants - have been in existence for the time immemorial before the earth was formed. God didn’t have the intention of creating us a mankind – the lesser being than angels; something caused it. He only wanted to create angels and that’s all. But something pushed Him to have man created. And that thing is the devil’s revolt against God’s will and word in heaven. The earth was created shortly after that display of devil’s stupidity in heaven. And ever since the creation of the earth, God has stopped creating us as direct angels to be in heaven, instead He creates us as mankind to be on earth. ...
Education & Christian lifestyles.