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The earth has produced a good number of great personalities in both sexes that are now God's road maps for us to follow, if we ever desire to be great in any calling or ministry, be it religion, business, politics, corporate career, education, etc. And of course, we are not matching the brake in our pursue of great men and women through whatever available means - social media, conferences, seminars, workshops, formal and informal gathering, one-on-one meeting and mentoring. However, the expected results are truly not manifesting.

So the question is: Why are we not getting the expected results? The problem is that we are more interested in success stories of these personalities and we focus on them than the stories of their failings and risings, trials and fighting, sacrifices and pains, etc. And whenever we listen to such aspects of their stories,
we quickly associate their victories to something like their backgrounds, experiences, mental capacities, etc. forgetting that such things have no victories in themselves.
And the gospel truth is that whenever we gather together and sit down to hear these people speak, we don't expect them as much as we aren't allowed to categorise on their backgrounds, such as phenomenon that surrounded their conceptions, the nature of their births, family heritage, connection and relationship, their natural human capacity, institutions of study, their environments, etc. as the reasons for their greatness.
If we or they categorise on these, their stories and life histories will lack value for they (stories and histories) won't impact anything positive and practicable to us, their listeners, who do not have their kinds of backgrounds and could never experience what they experience as they experienced it. The truth is such things are not count.
The reason those things are not count as a means for greatness is because the earth has produced two groups of people with direct opposite backgrounds who became the same thing in terms of greatness; and we have also seen people with exceptional backgrounds who never became anything great in any sense. Therefore, those backgrounds are nothing more than 'Physical Signs' of greatness which can either be Direct or Indirect; or Positive and Negative, and they are never the reasons for achieving the greatness.

So these series posts contain verses from holy books and extracts from books with our comments that primarily explained what Jesus Christ and other great personalities in history did and how He and they did it to become great in heaven, on earth and in earth. And we shall also include the secret deeds of success of other great personalities in any endeavour. God help us!

Read also The Secret Deeds of Jesus Christ that Made Him Great Part 1 and GOD WANTS TO DO FOR YOU TOO WHAT HE DID FOR JESUS CHRIST along with THE TRUTH TO KNOW THAT WILL SET YOU FREE. Go back home or Join us to orientate the world for better.


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