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Sometimes ago, on one of my evangelical outings, a friend and I came across a group of young handsome looking guys in their workshop. From their looks one could tell that they didn't want us around, but one who seemed to be the owner of the workshop welcomed us as most people often welcome street evangelists. He made us feel comfortable within the little space of the shop. Being allowed by the head, some of the other guys stayed, while the rest just found a way to excuse themselves.

We prayed together without any of the guys closed their eyes and their boss busy pressing the cell phone in his hand. After the prayer, my partner started preaching about the sin of humanity and the love of God through Jesus Christ. None of them really shown a sense of interest and their boss was just busy pressing his phone without lifting his head. Awhile later, my partner stopped and I asked me if I had something to say to which I answered yes. I opened my Bible and about to talk, when the boss looked up and asked me to stop with that kind of i-am-tired-of-this attitude. Without hesitation, I said ok.

"Look, look, I thank you for your effort and love." He said. Then continued. "You have really tried. I have been listening to all your talks since. And none of them is new. But I want to ask you a question which I have been asking even bigger men of God to explain the mystery behind it. And none of them have been able to give me satisfactory explanation about it."

I rejoiced in me when he said this because I know personally that he was about to give a way to the destruction of a false revelation that had held him captive from God's greater love as long as he had been carrying the mentality about.
The truth is there is no heavy guarded prison against man where they cannot easily attain freedom as the one they build for themselves in their mind. And none of such prison is as strongly secured as unexplained wrong perspection of God's word.
He asked, "God can save us from sin, right?" Yes! I said with all confidence. Then he said, "There is an aspect of Jesus Christ's life story in the Bible that people who talk about him do not talk about or never deeply talk about. Why did God didn't save the Devil from sinning against Him? Why did Jesus Christ never marry? Why did Jesus Christ often go to Mary and Martha's house? Luke 10:38-42. Why were these young women often appeared wherever Jesus Christ appeared? Why did Jesus Christ died at the time He did?" And finally asked the question that brought about this article, " Why did God allow Jesus Christ to die at that age of his life?"

In essence, this guy's central idea in all these questions is that God can be partial sometimes. That Jesus Christ loved either of those women and that if God hadn't taken Him at that youthful age - when the zeal for sexual desire is much stronger, possibly - He, Jesus Christ, would have taken one of them as a wife, because it was glaring that both the women and Jesus Christ were in love with one another from afar. And if God saved Him from that looming dangerous sin, and didn't save the devil, then God is partial. (This is my own analysis of those questions as God enabled me. You too can look into the questions and do your own analysis of them).

It is true that we weren't (and I personally wasn't) able to 'give' him answer to his questions that very day. Not that we didn't have answer and explanation to all these questions, we did (and that's why I used the word GIVE in the sentence above), but because it was getting late in the night. So we left with an agreement that we would visit him sometime later.

Let's assume that God did it for Jesus Christ - He saved and rescued Him from the danger of the sin that would have denied Him the God Almighty's right hand of glory, honour, majesty and power where He is now. God wishes to do the same thing for us, you and I, too. In fact, not just that alone, but include everything He has done for Jesus Christ. Bible says, "...that he (Jesus Christ) might be the firstborn among many brothers." "...then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ," Romans 8:29, 8:17, respectively. This means, what Christ Jesus have access to is also ours by same authority of birth.

But why is God looking on while many, include Generals of faith, are falling into different many kinds of sins? Then I ask you, how many are doing what Jesus Christ did, even as simple as it is? Not even devil was and is ready to do it. And if you and I can do it, God is always ready, even now, to do for us what He did for Jesus Christ.

And what is it that Jesus Christ did?
No. Not that He died for our sin, but because He AGREED with God and SURRENDERED to God's will. Not that God willingly took Him away from this world of sin at that very sensitive age without Jesus Christ's own agreement.
He says, "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again. No-one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again." John 10:17-18. Simply put as, 'My life is my own. I can die now, if I so desire. Nobody can kill me, if I don't allow the person. But my Father loves me because I allowed myself to be killed by somebody.'

God, as all-knowing, knows when we are most ready to fit the kingdom of heaven, certain positions of authority and places of leadership. He always wants to rescue as many people as possible and to prepare some for the highest positions of their desires with a step that looks not very straight forward, but they always ignorantly rebel against such will of God, thinking is a devil's attack. King Hezekiah is a perfect example of such rebellion and after which he made a terrible mistake that negatively affected the generations of his children, Isaiah 38:1-22, 39:1-8.

As I close this write up, I reaffirm to you that God is willing to do for us whatever He did for Jesus Christ. He is always ready to be partial for our glory and peace, but we must learn not to call, "...conspiracy everything that these people [of the world] call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, fear, dread, and He will be a sanctuary;" Isaiah 8:12-13. And also meditate this verse, "The righteous perish, and no-one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no-one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil." Isaiah 57:1.

Join us to orientate the world. Also read Overcoming the Four Demons that Pollute the Prayers of the Youth, coupled with The Secret Deeds of Jesus Christ that Made Him Great Part 1. Go back Home


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