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I have heard of many agitations that say one doesn't really need education to make it in life; while I don't argue with this view, I also say that talent is never enough just as John C. Maxwell has rightly made clear in his book 'Talent is Never Enough' because I know that those agitators are implicitly saying that talent is all that's needed. But let me say this to you that whether education or talent, it's all depend on the level you want to reach in your society.

Talent is never enough, neither is education enough because, in the real sense, both have the same capacity to help individuals reach the same level in isolation. This means that talent without education can only take you as far as education can take you without talent. This, therefore, indicates that to make it to the highest level of any society one needs both education and talent together.

This is explained better in diagrams below:


Society Class Pyramid explains the different groups to which people of a particular society are grouped. In general a society is grouped into three classes, namely, the Upper class which contains people such as politicians, royal families, big businessmen and women, established inventors, the very rich, and national and international influencers, such as respected men of God; the Middle Class which is also called Working Class because that is where all workers of any standard belong. But this class is divided into two parts (upper and lower) based on professionalism and standardness. Workers such as Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, CEOs, Professors, Directors, Teachers, developed talented people, etc. are grouped in the upper part, while workers such as factory and manual workers, unskilled labourers, undeveloped talented people, low educated workers, etc. are grouped in the lower part of middle class; while people in poverty, and homeless and unemployed people are in Lower Class of the society.

Now, it’s important for you to understand that none of these groups is closed for anybody. You can climb up, and you can climb down based on any kind of ladder you have to climb it. In total, there are only three kinds of ladder to use, namely;

  • Special Ladder,
  • Talent and Education Ladder,T
  • alent without Education or Education without Talent Ladder

The special ladder is for the children whose parents are already in the upper class, and those who get there by intervention of God; that is why I call the ladder special – it’s not by one’s “effort or power, it is God who shows mercy”.

The talent and education ladder is for talented people who are also highly educated. Getting to the upper class of any society without special ladder requires this particular one. While you might be very talented, being illiterate could minimize opportunities for the exhibition of the talent in some necessary places. Education helps packaged your talent; with both together you can reach the upper class of your society – regardless of what talent.

The talent ladder or the education ladder without both together has the same capacity; and none of them can reach the upper class in isolation – the highest place they can get to separately is upper part of middle class, and that with much efforts. Talent is as good as education, but none is as powerful and effective as when both are combined.

I have a friend who is multi-talented and full of ideas. He had an issue with a Lecturer back in school and because of that got discouraged and quit schooling (having the assurance that all be well with all that God has deposited in him). Today, that talent is making ways for him, of a truth, as far as it can do (at least it is of greatness if you are being urged with a some of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (#150,000) as salary in Nigeria's today society to work with a company without certificate. I think that's something). But as I have said earlier on that whether education or talent, it's all depend on the level you want to reach in your society. This friend of mine confessed to me later of many opportunities of travelling out of the country to work he had missed for not having certificate.

Therefore, friend, don’t be deceived. Education is good for you. If you have the opportunity go as far as you want; only make sure you do not neglent your talent – it’s your certificate to greatness.

Education helps packaged your talent, strengthens it, empowers it, encourages it, opens doors for it, takes it global, gives it chances and sells it to the world. Go to school friend or stay in school focused, if you are already there; for there lies your weapons of victory in Nigeria society where certificate is more valued than the real content.


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